Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from abc import ABCMeta
from functools import wraps
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import final

from returns.primitives.container import BaseContainer
from returns.result import Failure, Result, Success

_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType', covariant=True)
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')

# Result related:
_ErrorType = TypeVar('_ErrorType', covariant=True)
_NewErrorType = TypeVar('_NewErrorType')
_ContraErrorType = TypeVar('_ContraErrorType', contravariant=True)

# Helpers:
_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')
_SecondType = TypeVar('_SecondType')

[docs]@final class IO(BaseContainer, Generic[_ValueType]): """ Explicit marker for impure function results. We call it "marker" since once it is marked, it cannot be unmarked. ``IO`` is also a container. But, it is different in a way that it can't be unwrapped / rescued / fixed. There's no way to directly get its internal value. Note that ``IO`` represents a computation that never fails. Examples of such computations are: - read / write to localStorage - get the current time - write to the console - get a random number Use ``IOResult[...]`` for operations that might fail. Like DB access or network operations. See also: """ _inner_value: _ValueType def __init__(self, inner_value: _ValueType) -> None: """ Public constructor for this type. Also required for typing. .. code:: python >>> from import IO >>> str(IO(1)) '<IO: 1>' """ super().__init__(inner_value)
[docs] def map( # noqa: A003 self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'IO[_NewValueType]': """ Applies function to the inner value. Applies 'function' to the contents of the IO instance and returns a new IO object containing the result. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return a non-container result. .. code:: python >>> def mappable(string: str) -> str: ... return string + 'b' ... >>> assert IO('a').map(mappable) == IO('ab') """ return IO(function(self._inner_value))
[docs] def bind( self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], 'IO[_NewValueType]'], ) -> 'IO[_NewValueType]': """ Applies 'function' to the result of a previous calculation. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return IO type object. .. code:: python >>> def bindable(string: str) -> IO[str]: ... return IO(string + 'b') ... >>> assert IO('a').bind(bindable) == IO('ab') """ return function(self._inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def lift( cls, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[['IO[_ValueType]'], 'IO[_NewValueType]']: """ Lifts function to be wrapped in ``IO`` for better composition. In other words, it modifies the function's signature from: ``a -> b`` to: ``IO[a] -> IO[b]`` Works similar to :meth:``, but has inverse semantics. This is how it should be used: .. code:: python >>> from import IO >>> def example(argument: int) -> float: ... return argument / 2 # not exactly IO action! ... >>> assert IO.lift(example)(IO(2)) == IO(1.0) See also: - - - """ return lambda container:
[docs] @classmethod def from_value(cls, inner_value: _NewValueType) -> 'IO[_NewValueType]': """ Unit function to construct new ``IO`` values. Is the same as regular constructor: .. code:: python >>> from import IO >>> assert IO(1) == IO.from_value(1) Part of the :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.Instanceable` protocol. """ return IO(inner_value)
# Helper functions: @overload def impure( # type: ignore function: Callable[..., Coroutine[_FirstType, _SecondType, _NewValueType]], ) -> Callable[ ..., Coroutine[_FirstType, _SecondType, IO[_NewValueType]], ]: """Case for async functions.""" @overload def impure( function: Callable[..., _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[..., IO[_NewValueType]]: """Case for regular functions."""
[docs]def impure(function): """ Decorator to mark function that it returns :class:`~IO` container. Supports both async and regular functions. Example: .. code:: python >>> from import IO, impure >>> @impure ... def function(arg: int) -> int: ... return arg + 1 ... >>> assert function(1) == IO(2) """ if iscoroutinefunction(function): async def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: WPS430 return IO(await function(*args, **kwargs)) else: def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: WPS430 return IO(function(*args, **kwargs)) return wraps(function)(decorator)
# IO and Result:
[docs]class IOResult( BaseContainer, Generic[_ValueType, _ErrorType], metaclass=ABCMeta, ): """ Explicit marker for impure function results that might fail. Definition ~~~~~~~~~~ We call it "marker" since once it is marked, it cannot be unmarked. This type is similar to :class:`returns.result.Result`. This basically a more useful version of ``IO[Result[a, b]]``. Use this type for ``IO`` computations that might fail. Examples of ``IO`` computations that might fail are: - access database - access network - access filesystem Use :class:`~IO` for operations that do ``IO`` but do not fail. Note, that even methods like :meth:`~IOResult.unwrap`` and :meth:`~IOResult.value_or` return values wrapped in ``IO``. ``IOResult`` is a complex compound value that consists of: - raw value - ``Result`` - ``IO`` This is why it has so many helper and factory methods: - You can construct ``IOResult`` from raw value with :func:`~IOSuccess` and :func:`~IOFailure` public type constructors - You can construct ``IOResult`` from ``IO`` values with :meth:`~IOResult.from_failed_io` and :meth:`IOResult.from_successful_io` - You can construct ``IOResult`` from ``Result`` values with :meth:`~IOResult.from_result` We also have a lot of utility methods for better function composition like: - :meth:`~IOResult.bind_result` to work with functions which return ``Result`` - :meth:`~IOResult.from_typecast` to work with ``IO[Result[...]]`` values - :meth:`~IOResult.lift` and :meth:`~IOResult.lift_result` to allow indirect function composition with regular and ``Result`` based functions. See also: Implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This class contains all the methods that can be delegated to ``Result``. But, some methods have ``raise NotImplementedError`` which means that we have to use special :class:`~_IOSuccess` and :class:`~_IOFailure` implementation details to correctly handle these callbacks. Do not rely on them! Use public data. """ _inner_value: Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType] # These two are required for projects like `classes`: success_type: ClassVar[Type['_IOSuccess']] failure_type: ClassVar[Type['_IOFailure']] def __init__(self, inner_value: Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]) -> None: """ Private type constructor. Use :func:`~IOSuccess` and :func:`~IOFailure` instead. Or :meth:`~IOResult.from_result` factory. """ super().__init__(inner_value)
[docs] def map( # noqa: A003 self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes successful container with a pure function. .. code:: python >>> from import IOSuccess >>> assert IOSuccess(1).map(lambda num: num + 1) == IOSuccess(2) """ return self.from_result(
[docs] def bind( self: 'IOResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType]', function: Callable[ [_ValueType], 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]', ], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes successful container with a function that returns a container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> def bindable(string: str) -> IOResult[str, str]: ... if len(string) > 1: ... return IOSuccess(string + 'b') ... return IOFailure(string + 'c') ... >>> assert IOSuccess('aa').bind(bindable) == IOSuccess('aab') >>> assert IOSuccess('a').bind(bindable) == IOFailure('ac') >>> assert IOFailure('a').bind(bindable) == IOFailure('a') """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def bind_result( self, function: Callable[ [_ValueType], 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]', ], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes successful container with a function that returns a container. Similar to :meth:`~IOResult.bind`, but works with containers that return :class:`returns.result.Result` instead of :class:`~IOResult`. .. code:: python >>> from import IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> from returns.result import Result, Success >>> def bindable(string: str) -> Result[str, str]: ... if len(string) > 1: ... return Success(string + 'b') ... return Failure(string + 'c') ... >>> assert IOSuccess('aa').bind_result(bindable) == IOSuccess('aab') >>> assert IOSuccess('a').bind_result(bindable) == IOFailure('ac') >>> assert IOFailure('a').bind_result(bindable) == IOFailure('a') """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fix( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes failed container with a pure function to fix the failure. .. code:: python >>> from import IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> assert IOFailure('a').fix( ... lambda char: char + 'b', ... ) == IOSuccess('ab') """ return self.from_result(self._inner_value.fix(function))
[docs] def alt( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewErrorType], ) -> 'IOResult[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Composes failed container with a pure function to modify failure. .. code:: python >>> from import IOFailure >>> assert IOFailure(1).alt(float) == IOFailure(1.0) """ return self.from_result(self._inner_value.alt(function))
[docs] def rescue( self, function: Callable[ [_ErrorType], 'IOResult[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]', ], ) -> 'IOResult[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Composes failed container with a function that returns a container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOFailure, IOSuccess, IOResult >>> def rescuable(state: str) -> IOResult[int, str]: ... if len(state) > 1: ... return IOSuccess(len(state)) ... return IOFailure('oops') >>> assert IOFailure('a').rescue(rescuable) == IOFailure('oops') >>> assert IOFailure('abc').rescue(rescuable) == IOSuccess(3) >>> assert IOSuccess('a').rescue(rescuable) == IOSuccess('a') """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def value_or( self, default_value: _NewValueType, ) -> IO[Union[_ValueType, _NewValueType]]: """ Get value from succesful container or default value from failed one. .. code:: python >>> from import IO, IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> assert IOSuccess(1).value_or(None) == IO(1) >>> assert IOFailure(1).value_or(None) == IO(None) """ return IO(self._inner_value.value_or(default_value))
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> IO[_ValueType]: """ Get value from successful container or raise exception for failed one. .. code:: python >>> from import IO, IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> assert IOSuccess(1).unwrap() == IO(1) .. code:: >>> IOFailure(1).unwrap() Traceback (most recent call last): ... returns.primitives.exceptions.UnwrapFailedError """ return IO(self._inner_value.unwrap())
[docs] def failure(self) -> IO[_ErrorType]: """ Get failed value from failed container or raise exception from success. .. code:: python >>> from import IO, IOFailure, IOSuccess >>> assert IOFailure(1).failure() == IO(1) .. code:: >>> IOSuccess(1).failure() Traceback (most recent call last): ... returns.primitives.exceptions.UnwrapFailedError """ return IO(self._inner_value.failure())
[docs] @classmethod def lift( cls, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[ ['IOResult[_ValueType, _ContraErrorType]'], 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ContraErrorType]', ]: """ Lifts function to be wrapped in ``IOResult`` for better composition. In other words, it modifies the function's signature from: ``a -> b`` to: ``IOResult[a, error] -> IOResult[b, error]`` Works similar to :meth:``, but has inverse semantics. This is how it should be used: .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOSuccess, IOFailure >>> def example(argument: int) -> float: ... return argument / 2 # not exactly IO action! ... >>> assert IOResult.lift(example)(IOSuccess(2)) == IOSuccess(1.0) >>> assert IOResult.lift(example)(IOFailure(2)) == IOFailure(2) This one is similar to appling :meth:`~IO.lift` and :meth:`returns.result.Result.lift` in order. See also: - - - """ return lambda container:
[docs] @classmethod def lift_result( cls, function: Callable[[_ValueType], Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]], ) -> Callable[ ['IOResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType]'], 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]', ]: """ Lifts function from ``Result`` to ``IOResult`` for better composition. Similar to :meth:`~IOResult.lift`, but works with other type. .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOSuccess >>> from returns.result import Result, Success >>> def returns_result(arg: int) -> Result[int, str]: ... return Success(arg + 1) ... >>> returns_ioresult = IOResult.lift_result(returns_result) >>> assert returns_ioresult(IOSuccess(1)) == IOSuccess(2) """ return lambda container: container.bind_result(function)
[docs] @classmethod def from_typecast( cls, container: IO[Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Converts ``IO[Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]]`` to ``IOResult``. Also prevails the type of ``Result`` to ``IOResult``, so: ``IO[Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]]`` would become ``IOResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType]``. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Success >>> from import IO, IOResult, IOSuccess >>> container = IO(Success(1)) >>> assert IOResult.from_typecast(container) == IOSuccess(1) """ return cls.from_result(container._inner_value) # noqa: WPS437
[docs] @classmethod def from_failed_io( cls, container: IO[_NewErrorType], ) -> 'IOResult[NoReturn, _NewErrorType]': """ Creates new ``IOResult`` from "failed" ``IO`` container. .. code:: python >>> from import IO, IOResult, IOFailure >>> container = IO(1) >>> assert IOResult.from_failed_io(container) == IOFailure(1) """ return IOFailure(container._inner_value) # noqa: WPS437
[docs] @classmethod def from_successful_io( cls, container: IO[_NewValueType], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, NoReturn]': """ Creates new ``IOResult`` from "successful" ``IO`` container. .. code:: python >>> from import IO, IOResult, IOSuccess >>> container = IO(1) >>> assert IOResult.from_successful_io(container) == IOSuccess(1) """ return IOSuccess(container._inner_value) # noqa: WPS437
[docs] @classmethod def from_result( cls, container: Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType], ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Creates ``IOResult`` from ``Result`` value. .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOSuccess, IOFailure >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert IOResult.from_result(Success(1)) == IOSuccess(1) >>> assert IOResult.from_result(Failure(2)) == IOFailure(2) """ if isinstance(container, container.success_type): return _IOSuccess(container) return _IOFailure(container)
[docs] @classmethod def from_success( cls, inner_value: _NewValueType, ) -> 'IOResult[_NewValueType, Any]': """ One more value to create success unit values. This is a part of :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.Unitable`. It is useful as a united way to create a new value from any container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOSuccess >>> assert IOResult.from_success(1) == IOSuccess(1) You can use this method or :func:`~IOSuccess`, choose the most convenient for you. """ return IOSuccess(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_failure( cls, inner_value: _NewErrorType, ) -> 'IOResult[Any, _NewErrorType]': """ One more value to create failred unit values. This is a part of :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.Unitable`. It is useful as a united way to create a new value from any container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOResult, IOFailure >>> assert IOResult.from_failure(1) == IOFailure(1) You can use this method or :func:`~IOFailure`, choose the most convenient for you. """ return IOFailure(inner_value)
def __str__(self) -> str: """Custom ``str`` representation for better readability.""" return '<IOResult: {0}>'.format(self._inner_value)
@final class _IOFailure(IOResult): """ Internal ``IOFailure`` representation. This is an implementation detail, please, do not use it directly. This class only has method that are logically dependent on the current container state: successful or failed. Use public data types instead! """ def __init__(self, inner_value) -> None: """ Private type constructor. Use :func:`~IOSuccess` and :func:`~IOFailure` instead. Or :meth:`~IOResult.from_result` factory. """ super().__init__(inner_value) def bind(self, function): """Does nothing for ``IOFailure``.""" return self def bind_result(self, function): """Does nothing for ``IOFailure``.""" return self def rescue(self, function): """Composes this container with a function returning ``IOResult``.""" return function(self._inner_value.failure()) @final class _IOSuccess(IOResult): """ Internal ``IOSuccess`` representation. This is an implementation detail, please, do not use it directly. This class only has method that are logically dependent on the current container state: successful or failed. Use public data types instead! """ def __init__(self, inner_value) -> None: """ Private type constructor. Use :func:`~IOSuccess` and :func:`~IOFailure` instead. Or :meth:`~IOResult.from_result` factory. """ super().__init__(inner_value) def bind(self, function): """Composes this container with a function returning ``IOResult``.""" return function(self._inner_value.unwrap()) def bind_result(self, function): """Binds ``Result`` returning function to current container.""" return self.from_result(function(self._inner_value.unwrap())) def rescue(self, function): """Does nothing for ``IOSuccess``.""" return self IOResult.success_type = _IOSuccess IOResult.failure_type = _IOFailure # Public type constructors:
[docs]def IOSuccess( # noqa: N802 inner_value: _NewValueType, ) -> IOResult[_NewValueType, Any]: """ Public unit function of succeful :class:`~IOResult` container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOSuccess >>> str(IOSuccess(1)) '<IOResult: <Success: 1>>' """ return _IOSuccess(Success(inner_value))
[docs]def IOFailure( # noqa: N802 inner_value: _NewErrorType, ) -> IOResult[Any, _NewErrorType]: """ Public unit function of failed :class:`~IOResult` container. .. code:: python >>> from import IOFailure >>> str(IOFailure(1)) '<IOResult: <Failure: 1>>' """ return _IOFailure(Failure(inner_value))
# Aliases: #: Alias for a popular case when ``IOResult`` has ``Exception`` as error type. IOResultE = IOResult[_ValueType, Exception] # impure_safe decorator: @overload def impure_safe( # type: ignore function: Callable[..., Coroutine[_FirstType, _SecondType, _NewValueType]], ) -> Callable[ ..., Coroutine[_FirstType, _SecondType, IOResultE[_NewValueType]], ]: """Case for async functions.""" @overload def impure_safe( function: Callable[..., _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[..., IOResultE[_NewValueType]]: """Case for regular functions."""
[docs]def impure_safe(function): # noqa: C901 """ Decorator to mark function that it returns :class:`~IO` container. Supports both async and regular functions. Example: .. code:: python >>> from import IOSuccess, impure_safe >>> @impure_safe ... def function(arg: int) -> float: ... return 1 / arg ... >>> assert function(1) == IOSuccess(1.0) >>> assert function(0).failure() """ if iscoroutinefunction(function): async def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: WPS430 try: return IOSuccess(await function(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exc: return IOFailure(exc) else: def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: WPS430 try: return IOSuccess(function(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exc: return IOFailure(exc) return wraps(function)(decorator)