Source code for returns.contrib.mypy.returns_plugin

Custom mypy plugin to solve the temporary problem with python typing.

Important: we don't do anything ugly here.
We only solve problems of the current typing implementation.

``mypy`` API docs are here:

We use ``pytest-mypy-plugins`` to test that it works correctly, see:

from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Mapping, Optional, Type

from mypy.plugin import FunctionContext, MethodContext, MethodSigContext, Plugin
from mypy.types import CallableType
from mypy.types import Type as MypyType
from typing_extensions import Final, final

from returns.contrib.mypy._features import (

# Constant fullnames for typechecking
# ===================================

#: Set of full names of our decorators.
_TYPED_DECORATORS: Final = frozenset((

#: Used for cases when we return a protocol overloaded based on a return type.
    # Pointfree functions:

        'returns._generated.pointfree.bind_async_future_result.' +


#: Used for typed ``partial`` function.
_TYPED_PARTIAL_FUNCTION: Final = 'returns.curry.partial'

#: Used for typed ``curry`` decorator.
_TYPED_CURRY_FUNCTION: Final = 'returns.curry.curry'

#: Used for typed ``flow`` call.
_TYPED_FLOW_FUNCTION: Final = 'returns._generated.pipeline.flow._flow'

#: Used for typed ``pipe`` call.
_TYPED_PIPE_FUNCTION: Final = 'returns._generated.pipeline.pipe._pipe'
_TYPED_PIPE_METHOD: Final = 'returns._generated.pipeline.pipe._Pipe.__call__'

# Type aliases
# ============

#: Type for a function hook.
_FunctionCallback = Callable[[FunctionContext], MypyType]

#: Type for a method hook.
_MethodCallback = Callable[[MethodContext], MypyType]

#: Type for a method signature hook.
_MethodSigCallback = Callable[[MethodSigContext], CallableType]

# Interface
# =========

class _ReturnsPlugin(Plugin):
    """Our main plugin to dispatch different callbacks to specific features."""

    _function_hook_plugins: ClassVar[Mapping[str, _FunctionCallback]] = {
        _TYPED_PARTIAL_FUNCTION: partial.analyze,
        _TYPED_CURRY_FUNCTION: curry.analyze,
        _TYPED_FLOW_FUNCTION: flow.analyze,
        _TYPED_PIPE_FUNCTION: pipe.analyze,
        **dict.fromkeys(_TYPED_PROTOCOL_OVERLOADED, pointfree.analyze),
        **dict.fromkeys(_TYPED_DECORATORS, decorators.analyze),

    _method_hook_plugins: ClassVar[Mapping[str, _MethodCallback]] = {
        _TYPED_PIPE_METHOD: pipe.infer,

    _method_sig_hook_plugins: ClassVar[Mapping[str, _MethodSigCallback]] = {
        _TYPED_PIPE_METHOD: pipe.signature,

    def get_function_hook(
        fullname: str,
    ) -> Optional[_FunctionCallback]:
        Called for function return types from ``mypy``.

        Runs on each function call in the source code.
        We are only interested in a particular subset of all functions.
        So, we return a function handler for them.

        Otherwise, we return ``None``.
        return self._function_hook_plugins.get(fullname)

    def get_method_hook(
        fullname: str,
    ) -> Optional[_MethodCallback]:
        """Called for method return types from ``mypy``."""
        return self._method_hook_plugins.get(fullname)

    def get_method_signature_hook(
        fullname: str,
    ) -> Optional[_MethodSigCallback]:
        """Called for method signature from ``mypy``."""
        return self._method_sig_hook_plugins.get(fullname)

[docs]def plugin(version: str) -> Type[Plugin]: """Plugin's public API and entrypoint.""" return _ReturnsPlugin