
We have several helpers to convert containers from one type to another and back again.

Maybe and Result

We have two converters to work with Result <-> Maybe tranformations:

That’s how they work:

>>> from returns.converters import maybe_to_result, result_to_maybe
>>> from returns.maybe import Maybe, Some
>>> from returns.result import Result, Success

>>> result: Result[int, Exception] = Success(1)
>>> maybe: Maybe[int] = result_to_maybe(result)
>>> assert maybe == Some(1)

>>> new_result: Result[int, None] = maybe_to_result(maybe)
>>> assert new_result == Success(1)

Take a note, that type changes. Also, take a note that Success(None) will be converted to Nothing.


You can also use flatten to merge nested containers together:

>>> from returns.converters import flatten
>>> from returns.maybe import Some
>>> from returns.result import Success
>>> from import IO

>>> assert flatten(IO(IO(1))) == IO(1)
>>> assert flatten(Some(Some(1))) == Some(1)
>>> assert flatten(Success(Success(1))) == Success(1)

API Reference


Joins two nested containers together.

Please, note that it will not join two Failure for Result case or two Nothing for Maybe case (or basically any two error types) together.

>>> from returns.converters import flatten
>>> from import IO
>>> from returns.result import Failure, Success

>>> assert flatten(IO(IO(1))) == IO(1)

>>> assert flatten(Success(Success(1))) == Success(1)
>>> assert flatten(Failure(Failure(1))) == Failure(Failure(1))

container (KindN[~_BindableKind, KindN[~_BindableKind, ~_FirstType, ~_SecondType, ~_ThirdType], ~_SecondType, ~_ThirdType]) –

Return type

KindN[~_BindableKind, ~_FirstType, ~_SecondType, ~_ThirdType]


Converts Result container to Maybe container.

>>> from returns.maybe import Some, Nothing
>>> from returns.result import Failure, Success

>>> assert result_to_maybe(Success(1)) == Some(1)
>>> assert result_to_maybe(Success(None)) == Some(None)
>>> assert result_to_maybe(Failure(1)) == Nothing
>>> assert result_to_maybe(Failure(None)) == Nothing

result_container (Result[~_FirstType, ~_SecondType]) –

Return type



Converts Maybe container to Result container.

>>> from returns.maybe import Some, Nothing
>>> from returns.result import Failure, Success

>>> assert maybe_to_result(Some(1)) == Success(1)
>>> assert maybe_to_result(Some(None)) == Success(None)
>>> assert maybe_to_result(Nothing) == Failure(None)

maybe_container (Maybe[~_FirstType]) –

Return type

Result[~_FirstType, None]