Source code for returns.primitives.tracing

import types
from contextlib import contextmanager
from inspect import FrameInfo, stack
from typing import (

from returns.result import Failure

_FunctionType = TypeVar('_FunctionType', bound=Callable)

def collect_traces() -> ContextManager[None]:
    """Context Manager to active traces collect to the Failures."""

def collect_traces(function: _FunctionType) -> _FunctionType:
    """Decorator to active traces collect to the Failures."""

[docs]def collect_traces( function: Optional[_FunctionType] = None, ) -> Union[_FunctionType, ContextManager[None]]: # noqa: DAR101, DAR201, DAR301 """ Context Manager/Decorator to active traces collect to the Failures. .. code:: python >>> from inspect import FrameInfo >>> from import IOResult >>> from returns.result import Result >>> from returns.primitives.tracing import collect_traces >>> with collect_traces(): ... traced_failure = Result.from_failure('Traced Failure') >>> non_traced_failure = IOResult.from_failure('Non Traced Failure') >>> assert non_traced_failure.trace is None >>> assert isinstance(traced_failure.trace, list) >>> assert all(isinstance(trace_line, FrameInfo) for trace_line in traced_failure.trace) >>> for trace_line in traced_failure.trace: ... print(f'{trace_line.filename}:{trace_line.lineno} in `{trace_line.function}`') # doctest: +SKIP ... /returns/returns/ in `Failure` /returns/returns/ in `from_failure` /example_folder/ in `<module>` # doctest: # noqa: DAR301, E501 """ @contextmanager def factory() -> Iterator[None]: unpatched_get_trace = getattr(Failure, '_get_trace') # noqa: B009 substitute_get_trace = types.MethodType(_get_trace, Failure) setattr(Failure, '_get_trace', substitute_get_trace) # noqa: B010 try: # noqa: WPS501 yield finally: setattr(Failure, '_get_trace', unpatched_get_trace) # noqa: B010 return factory()(function) if function else factory()
def _get_trace(_self: Failure) -> Optional[List[FrameInfo]]: """ Function to be used on Monkey Patching. This function is the substitute for '_get_trace' method from ``Failure`` class on Monkey Patching promoted by :func:`returns.primitives.tracing.collect_traces` function. We get all the call stack from the current call and return it from the third position, to avoid two useless calls on the call stack. Those useless calls are a call to this function and a call to `__init__` method from ``Failure`` class. We're just interested in the call stack ending on ``Failure`` function call! See also: - """ current_stack = stack() return current_stack[2:]