Source code for returns.contrib.pytest.plugin

import inspect
import sys
from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from functools import partial, wraps
from types import FrameType, MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, TypeVar, Union
from unittest import mock

import pytest
from typing_extensions import Final, final

    from returns.interfaces.specific.result import ResultLikeN

# We keep track of errors handled by keeping a mapping of <object id>: object.
# If an error is handled, it is in the mapping.
# If it isn't in the mapping, the error is not handled.
# Note only storing object IDs would not work, as objects may be GC'ed
# and their object id assigned to another object.
# Also, the object itself cannot be (in) the key because
# (1) we cannot always assume hashability and
# (2) we need to track the object identity, not its value
_ErrorsHandled = Dict[int, Any]

_FunctionType = TypeVar('_FunctionType', bound=Callable)
_ReturnsResultType = TypeVar(
    bound=Union['ResultLikeN', Callable[..., 'ResultLikeN']],

[docs]@final class ReturnsAsserts(object): """Class with helpers assertions to check containers.""" __slots__ = ('_errors_handled', ) def __init__(self, errors_handled: _ErrorsHandled) -> None: """Constructor for this type.""" self._errors_handled = errors_handled
[docs] @staticmethod # noqa: WPS602 def assert_equal( # noqa: WPS602 first, second, *, deps=None, backend: str = 'asyncio', ) -> None: """Can compare two containers even with extra calling and awaiting.""" from returns.primitives.asserts import assert_equal assert_equal(first, second, deps=deps, backend=backend)
[docs] def is_error_handled(self, container) -> bool: """Ensures that container has its error handled in the end.""" return id(container) in self._errors_handled
[docs] @staticmethod # noqa: WPS602 @contextmanager def assert_trace( # noqa: WPS602 trace_type: _ReturnsResultType, function_to_search: _FunctionType, ) -> Iterator[None]: """ Ensures that a given function was called during execution. Use it to determine where the failure happened. """ old_tracer = sys.gettrace() sys.settrace(partial(_trace_function, trace_type, function_to_search)) try: yield except _DesiredFunctionFound: pass # noqa: WPS420 else: 'No container {0} was created'.format( trace_type.__class__.__name__, ), ) finally: sys.settrace(old_tracer)
def _trace_function( trace_type: _ReturnsResultType, function_to_search: _FunctionType, frame: FrameType, event: str, arg: Any, ) -> None: is_desired_type_call = ( event == 'call' and ( # Some containers is created through functions and others # is created directly using class constructors! # The first line covers when it's created through a function # The second line covers when it's created through a # class constructor frame.f_code is getattr(trace_type, '__code__', None) or frame.f_code is getattr(trace_type.__init__, '__code__', None) # type: ignore[misc] # noqa: E501 ) ) if is_desired_type_call: current_call_stack = inspect.stack() function_to_search_code = getattr(function_to_search, '__code__', None) for frame_info in current_call_stack: if function_to_search_code is frame_info.frame.f_code: raise _DesiredFunctionFound() class _DesiredFunctionFound(BaseException): # noqa: WPS418 """Exception to raise when expected function is found."""
[docs]def pytest_configure(config) -> None: """ Hook to be executed on import. We use it define custom markers. """ config.addinivalue_line( 'markers', ( 'returns_lawful: all tests under `check_all_laws` ' + 'is marked this way, ' + 'use `-m "not returns_lawful"` to skip them.' ), )
[docs]@pytest.fixture() def returns() -> Iterator[ReturnsAsserts]: """Returns class with helpers assertions to check containers.""" with _spy_error_handling() as errors_handled: yield ReturnsAsserts(errors_handled)
@contextmanager def _spy_error_handling() -> Iterator[_ErrorsHandled]: """Track error handling of containers.""" errs: _ErrorsHandled = {} with ExitStack() as cleanup: for container in _containers_to_patch(): for method, patch in _ERROR_HANDLING_PATCHERS.items(): cleanup.enter_context(mock.patch.object( container, method, patch(getattr(container, method), errs=errs), )) yield errs # delayed imports are needed to prevent messing up coverage def _containers_to_patch() -> list: from returns.context import ( RequiresContextFutureResult, RequiresContextIOResult, RequiresContextResult, ) from returns.future import FutureResult from import IOFailure, IOSuccess from returns.result import Failure, Success return [ Success, Failure, IOSuccess, IOFailure, RequiresContextResult, RequiresContextIOResult, RequiresContextFutureResult, FutureResult, ] def _patched_error_handler( original: _FunctionType, errs: _ErrorsHandled, ) -> _FunctionType: if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(original): async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): original_result = await original(self, *args, **kwargs) errs[id(original_result)] = original_result return original_result else: def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): original_result = original(self, *args, **kwargs) errs[id(original_result)] = original_result return original_result return wraps(original)(wrapper) # type: ignore def _patched_error_copier( original: _FunctionType, errs: _ErrorsHandled, ) -> _FunctionType: if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(original): async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): original_result = await original(self, *args, **kwargs) if id(self) in errs: errs[id(original_result)] = original_result return original_result else: def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): original_result = original(self, *args, **kwargs) if id(self) in errs: errs[id(original_result)] = original_result return original_result return wraps(original)(wrapper) # type: ignore _ERROR_HANDLING_PATCHERS: Final = MappingProxyType({ 'lash': _patched_error_handler, 'map': _patched_error_copier, 'alt': _patched_error_copier, })