Source code for returns.interfaces.container

from typing import Callable, ClassVar, NoReturn, Sequence, TypeVar

from typing_extensions import final

from returns.interfaces import applicative, bindable
from returns.primitives.asserts import assert_equal
from import KindN
from returns.primitives.laws import (

_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')
_SecondType = TypeVar('_SecondType')
_ThirdType = TypeVar('_ThirdType')

# Only used in laws:
_NewType1 = TypeVar('_NewType1')
_NewType2 = TypeVar('_NewType2')

[docs]@final class _LawSpec(LawSpecDef): """ Container laws. Definition: Good explanation: """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @law_definition def left_identity_law( raw_value: _FirstType, container: 'ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[ [_FirstType], KindN['ContainerN', _NewType1, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ], ) -> None: """ Left identity. The first law states that if we take a value, put it in a default context with return and then feed it to a function by using ``bind``, it's the same as just taking the value and applying the function to it. """ assert_equal( container.from_value(raw_value).bind(function), function(raw_value), )
[docs] @law_definition def right_identity_law( container: 'ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', ) -> None: """ Right identity. The second law states that if we have a container value and we use ``bind`` to feed it to ``.from_value``, the result is our original container value. """ assert_equal( container, container.bind( lambda inner: container.from_value(inner), ), )
[docs] @law_definition def associative_law( container: 'ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', first: Callable[ [_FirstType], KindN['ContainerN', _NewType1, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ], second: Callable[ [_NewType1], KindN['ContainerN', _NewType2, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ], ) -> None: """ Associativity law. The final monad law says that when we have a chain of container functions applications with ``bind``, it shouldn’t matter how they’re nested. """ assert_equal( container.bind(first).bind(second), container.bind(lambda inner: first(inner).bind(second)), )
[docs]class ContainerN( applicative.ApplicativeN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], bindable.BindableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], Lawful['ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]'], ): """ Handy alias for types with ``.bind``, ``.map``, and ``.apply`` methods. Should be a base class for almost any containers you write. See also: - """ __slots__ = () _laws: ClassVar[Sequence[Law]] = ( Law3(_LawSpec.left_identity_law), Law1(_LawSpec.right_identity_law), Law3(_LawSpec.associative_law), )
#: Type alias for kinds with one type argument. Container1 = ContainerN[_FirstType, NoReturn, NoReturn] #: Type alias for kinds with two type arguments. Container2 = ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, NoReturn] #: Type alias for kinds with three type arguments. Container3 = ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]