Source code for returns.interfaces.failable

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, ClassVar, NoReturn, Sequence, Type, TypeVar

from typing_extensions import final

from returns.interfaces import container as _container
from returns.interfaces import lashable, swappable
from returns.primitives.asserts import assert_equal
from import KindN
from returns.primitives.laws import (

_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')
_SecondType = TypeVar('_SecondType')
_ThirdType = TypeVar('_ThirdType')
_UpdatedType = TypeVar('_UpdatedType')

_SingleFailableType = TypeVar('_SingleFailableType', bound='SingleFailableN')
_DiverseFailableType = TypeVar('_DiverseFailableType', bound='DiverseFailableN')

# Used in laws:
_NewFirstType = TypeVar('_NewFirstType')
_NewSecondType = TypeVar('_NewSecondType')

[docs]@final class _FailableLawSpec(LawSpecDef): """ Failable laws. We need to be sure that ``.lash`` won't lash success types. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @law_definition def lash_short_circuit_law( raw_value: _FirstType, container: 'FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[ [_SecondType], KindN['FailableN', _FirstType, _NewFirstType, _ThirdType], ], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot lash a success.""" assert_equal( container.from_value(raw_value), container.from_value(raw_value).lash(function), )
[docs]class FailableN( _container.ContainerN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], lashable.LashableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], Lawful['FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]'], ): """ Base type for types that can fail. It is a raw type and should not be used directly. Use ``SingleFailableN`` and ``DiverseFailableN`` instead. """ __slots__ = () _laws: ClassVar[Sequence[Law]] = ( Law3(_FailableLawSpec.lash_short_circuit_law), )
#: Type alias for kinds with two type arguments. Failable2 = FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, NoReturn] #: Type alias for kinds with three type arguments. Failable3 = FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]
[docs]@final class _SingleFailableLawSpec(LawSpecDef): """ Single Failable laws. We need to be sure that ``.map`` and ``.bind`` works correctly for ``empty`` property. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @law_definition def map_short_circuit_law( container: 'SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[[_FirstType], _NewFirstType], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot map from the `empty` property.""" assert_equal( container.empty,, )
[docs] @law_definition def bind_short_circuit_law( container: 'SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[ [_FirstType], KindN['SingleFailableN', _NewFirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot bind from the `empty` property.""" assert_equal( container.empty, container.empty.bind(function), )
[docs] @law_definition def apply_short_circuit_law( container: 'SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[[_FirstType], _NewFirstType], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot apply from the `empty` property.""" wrapped_function = container.from_value(function) assert_equal( container.empty, container.empty.apply(wrapped_function), )
[docs]class SingleFailableN( FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ): """ Base type for types that have just only one failed value. Like ``Maybe`` types where the only failed value is ``Nothing``. """ __slots__ = () _laws: ClassVar[Sequence[Law]] = ( Law2(_SingleFailableLawSpec.map_short_circuit_law), Law2(_SingleFailableLawSpec.bind_short_circuit_law), Law2(_SingleFailableLawSpec.apply_short_circuit_law), ) @property @abstractmethod def empty( self: _SingleFailableType, ) -> 'SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]': """This property represents the failed value."""
#: Type alias for kinds with two types arguments. SingleFailable2 = SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, NoReturn] #: Type alias for kinds with three type arguments. SingleFailable3 = SingleFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]
[docs]@final class _DiverseFailableLawSpec(LawSpecDef): """ Diverse Failable laws. We need to be sure that ``.map``, ``.bind``, ``.apply`` and ``.alt`` works correctly for both success and failure types. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @law_definition def map_short_circuit_law( raw_value: _SecondType, container: 'DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[[_FirstType], _NewFirstType], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot map a failure.""" assert_equal( container.from_failure(raw_value), container.from_failure(raw_value).map(function), )
[docs] @law_definition def bind_short_circuit_law( raw_value: _SecondType, container: 'DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[ [_FirstType], KindN['DiverseFailableN', _NewFirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], ], ) -> None: """ Ensures that you cannot bind a failure. See: """ assert_equal( container.from_failure(raw_value), container.from_failure(raw_value).bind(function), )
[docs] @law_definition def apply_short_circuit_law( raw_value: _SecondType, container: 'DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[[_FirstType], _NewFirstType], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot apply a failure.""" wrapped_function = container.from_value(function) assert_equal( container.from_failure(raw_value), container.from_failure(raw_value).apply(wrapped_function), )
[docs] @law_definition def alt_short_circuit_law( raw_value: _SecondType, container: 'DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]', function: Callable[[_SecondType], _NewFirstType], ) -> None: """Ensures that you cannot alt a success.""" assert_equal( container.from_value(raw_value), container.from_value(raw_value).alt(function), )
[docs]class DiverseFailableN( FailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], swappable.SwappableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType], Lawful['DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]'], ): """ Base type for types that have any failed value. Like ``Result`` types. """ __slots__ = () _laws: ClassVar[Sequence[Law]] = ( Law3(_DiverseFailableLawSpec.map_short_circuit_law), Law3(_DiverseFailableLawSpec.bind_short_circuit_law), Law3(_DiverseFailableLawSpec.apply_short_circuit_law), Law3(_DiverseFailableLawSpec.alt_short_circuit_law), )
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_failure( cls: Type[_DiverseFailableType], inner_value: _UpdatedType, ) -> KindN[_DiverseFailableType, _FirstType, _UpdatedType, _ThirdType]: """Unit method to create new containers from any raw value."""
#: Type alias for kinds with two type arguments. DiverseFailable2 = DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, NoReturn] #: Type alias for kinds with three type arguments. DiverseFailable3 = DiverseFailableN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]