Container: the concept

Container is a concept that allows you to write code around the existing wrapped values while maintaining the execution context.

List of supported containers:

  • Maybe to handle None cases

  • Result to handle possible exceptions

  • IO to mark explicit IO actions

  • Future to work with async code

  • RequiresContext to pass context to your functions (DI and similar)

There are also some combintations like IOResult, FutureResult, RequiresContextResult, RequiresContextIOResult and RequiresContextFutureResult.

We will show you container’s simple API of one attribute and several simple methods.


The main idea behind a container is that it wraps some internal state. That’s what ._inner_value is used for.

And we have several functions to create new containers based on the previous state. And we can see how this state is evolving during the execution.

graph LR F1["Container(Initial)"] --> F2["Container(UserId(1))"] F2 --> F3["Container(UserAccount(156))"] F3 --> F4["Container(FailedLoginAttempt(1))"] F4 --> F5["Container(SentNotificationId(992))"]

State evolution.

Working with a container

We use two methods to create a new container from the previous one. bind and map.

The difference is simple:

  • map works with functions that return regular value

  • bind works with functions that return new container of the same type

We have to compose containers with regular functions.

Here’s how it looks:

graph LR F1["Container[A]"] -- "map(function)" --> F2["Container[B]"] style F1 fill:green style F2 fill:green

Illustration of map method.

>>> from typing import Any
>>> from returns.result import Success, Result

>>> def double(state: int) -> int:
...     return state * 2

>>> result: Result[int, Any] = Success(1).map(double)
>>> assert str(result) == '<Success: 2>'

>>> result: Result[int, Any] = state: state + 1)
>>> assert str(result) == '<Success: 3>'

The same works with built-in functions as well:

>>> from import IO

>>> io = IO('bytes').map(list)
>>> str(io)
"<IO: ['b', 'y', 't', 'e', 's']>"

The second method is bind. It is a bit different. We pass a function that returns another container to it. returns.interfaces.bindable.BindableN.bind() is used to literally bind two different containers together.

Here’s how it looks:

graph LR F1["Container[A]"] -- "bind(function)" --> F2["Container[B]"] F1["Container[A]"] -- "bind(function)" --> F3["Container[C]"] style F1 fill:green style F2 fill:green style F3 fill:red

Illustration of bind method.

from returns.result import Result, Success

def may_fail(user_id: int) -> Result[float, str]:

value: Result[int, str] = Success(1)
# Can be assumed as either Success[float] or Failure[str]:
result: Result[float, str] = value.bind(may_fail)


All containers support these methods. Because all containers implement returns.interfaces.mappable.MappableN and returns.interfaces.bindable.BindableN.

You can read more about methods that some other containers support and interfaces behind them.

Instantiating a container

All returns.interfaces.applicative.ApplicativeN containers support special .from_value method to construct a new container from a raw value.

>>> from returns.result import Result
>>> assert str(Result.from_value(1)) == '<Success: 1>'

There are also other methods in other interfaces. For example, here are some of them:

>>> from returns.maybe import Maybe, Some, Nothing
>>> assert Maybe.from_optional(1) == Some(1)
>>> assert Maybe.from_optional(None) == Nothing
>>> from returns.result import Result, Failure
>>> assert Result.from_failure(1) == Failure(1)

There are many other constructors! Check out concrete types and their interfaces.

Working with multiple containers

Multiple container arguments

We have already seen how we can work with one container and functions that receive a single argument.

Let’s say you have a function of two arguments and two containers:

>>> def sum_two_numbers(first: int, second: int) -> int:
...     return first + second

And here are our two containers:

>>> from import IO

>>> one = IO(1)
>>> two = IO(2)

The naive approach to compose two IO containers and a function would be too hard to show here. Luckily, we support partial application and the .apply() method.

Here are the required steps:

  1. We make sum_two_numbers to receive partial arguments

  2. We create a new container that wraps sum_two_numbers function as a value

  3. We then call .apply() twice to pass each value

It can be done like so:

>>> from returns.curry import curry
>>> from import IO

>>> @curry
... def sum_two_numbers(first: int, second: int) -> int:
...     return first + second

>>> one = IO(1)
>>> two = IO(2)
>>> assert two.apply(one.apply(IO(sum_two_numbers))) == IO(3)

But, there are other ways to make sum_two_numbers partial. One can use partial as well:

>>> from returns.curry import partial

>>> one = IO(1)
>>> two = IO(2)
>>> assert two.apply(one.apply(
...     IO(lambda x: partial(sum_two_numbers, x)),
... )) == IO(3)

Or even native lambda functions:

>>> one = IO(1)
>>> two = IO(2)
>>> assert two.apply(one.apply(
...     IO(lambda x: lambda y: sum_two_numbers(x, y)),
... )) == IO(3)

It would be faster, but not as elegant (and type-safe).

Working with iterable of containers

Imagine that you have two take 10 random numbers and then sum they to get the final result.

So, here’s how your code will look like:

>>> import random
>>> from import IO

>>> def random_number() -> IO[int]:
...     return IO(2)  # Example, basically alias of ``random.randint(1, 5)``

>>> numbers = [random_number() for _ in range(10)]
>>> assert len(numbers) == 10
>>> assert all(isinstance(number, IO) for number in numbers)

So, how to sum these random values into a single IO[int] value? That’s where Fold.loop really helps!

>>> from typing import Callable
>>> from returns.iterables import Fold

>>> def sum_two_numbers(first: int) -> Callable[[int], int]:
...     return lambda second: first + second

>>> assert Fold.loop(
...     numbers,  # let's loop on our ``IO`` values
...     IO(0),  # starting from ``0`` value
...     sum_two_numbers,  # and getting the sum of each two numbers in a loop
... ) == IO(20)

We can also change the initial element to some other value:

>>> assert Fold.loop(
...     numbers,
...     IO(5),  # now we will start from ``5``, not ``0`
...     sum_two_numbers,
... ) == IO(25)

Fold.loop is eager. It will be executed for all items in your iterable.

Collecting an iterable of containers into a single container

You might end up with an iterable of containers:

>>> from typing import List
>>> from returns.maybe import Maybe, Some, Nothing, maybe

>>> source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> fetched_values: List[Maybe[int]] = [
...     maybe(source.get)(key)
...     for key in ('a', 'b')
... ]

To work with iterable of containers, it is recommended to cast it into a container with the iterable inside using the Fold.collect method:

>>> from returns.iterables import Fold

>>> assert Fold.collect(fetched_values, Some(())) == Some((1, 2))

Any falsy values will result in a falsy result (pun intended):

>>> fetched_values: List[Maybe[int]] = [
...     maybe(source.get)(key)
...     for key in ('a', 'c')  # 'c' is missing!
... ]
>>> assert Fold.collect(fetched_values, Some(())) == Nothing

You can also use a different strategy to fetch values you need, to do just that we have Fold.collect_all method:

>>> fetched_values: Maybe[int] = [
...     maybe(source.get)(key)
...     for key in ('a', 'c')  # 'c' is missing!
... ]
>>> assert Fold.collect_all(fetched_values, Some(())) == Some((1,))

We support any Iterable[T] input type and return a Container[Sequence[T]].

You can subclass Fold type to change how any of these methods work.


We like to think of returns as immutable structures. You cannot mutate the inner state of the created container, because we redefine __setattr__ and __delattr__ magic methods.

You cannot also set new attributes to container instances, since we are using __slots__ for better performance and strictness.

Well, nothing is really immutable in python, but you were warned.

We also provide returns.primitives.types.Immutable mixin that users can use to quickly make their classes immutable.

Type safety

We try to make our containers optionally type safe.

What does it mean?

  1. It is still good old python, do whatever you want without mypy

  2. If you are using mypy you will be notified about type violations

We also ship PEP561 compatible .pyi files together with the source code. In this case these types will be available to users when they install our application.

We also ship custom mypy plugins to overcome some existing problems, please make sure to use them, since they increase your developer experience and type-safety level:

Check out our docs on using our mypy plugins.

Further reading

API Reference

BaseContainer is a base class for all other containers. It defines some basic things like representation, hashing, pickling, etc.

classDiagram Immutable <|-- BaseContainer dict <|-- _PickleState
class BaseContainer(inner_value)[source]

Bases: Immutable

Utility class to provide all needed magic methods to the context.

__slots__ = ('_inner_value',)

Wraps the given value in the Container.

‘value’ is any arbitrary value of any type including functions.


Used to display details of object.

Return type:



Used to compare two ‘Container’ objects.


other (Any) –

Return type:



Used to use this value as a key.

Return type:



That’s how this object will be pickled.

Return type:



Loading state from pickled data.


state (_PickleState) –

Return type:


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'_inner_value': typing.Any}
__module__ = 'returns.primitives.container'
container_equality(self, other)[source]

Function to compare similar containers.

Compares both their types and their inner values.

  • self (KindN[TypeVar(_EqualType, bound= Equable), Any, Any, Any]) –

  • other (KindN[TypeVar(_EqualType, bound= Equable), Any, Any, Any]) –

Return type:
