Source code for returns.result

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Generic, TypeVar, Union, overload

from typing_extensions import final

from returns.primitives.container import BaseContainer
from returns.primitives.exceptions import UnwrapFailedError

# Regular type vars, work correctly:
_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType')
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')
_ErrorType = TypeVar('_ErrorType')
_NewErrorType = TypeVar('_NewErrorType')

[docs]class Result( Generic[_ValueType, _ErrorType], BaseContainer, metaclass=ABCMeta, ): """Base class for _Failure and _Success.""" _inner_value: Union[_ValueType, _ErrorType]
[docs] @abstractmethod # noqa: A003 def map( self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': # pragma: no cover """Abstract method to compose container with pure function.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def bind( self, function: Callable[ [_ValueType], 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]', ], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': # pragma: no cover """Abstract method to compose container with other container.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def fix( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': # pragma: no cover """Abstract method to compose container with pure function.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def map_failure( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewErrorType], ) -> 'Result[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]': # pragma: no cover """Abstract method to compose container with pure function.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def rescue( self, function: Callable[ [_ErrorType], 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]', ], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': # pragma: no cover """Abstract method to compose container with other container.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def value_or( self, default_value: _NewValueType, ) -> Union[_ValueType, _NewValueType]: # pragma: no cover """Get value or default value.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def unwrap(self) -> _ValueType: # pragma: no cover """Get value or raise exception.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def failure(self) -> _ErrorType: # pragma: no cover """Get failed value or raise exception.""" raise NotImplementedError()
@final # noqa: Z214 class _Failure(Result[Any, _ErrorType]): """ Represents a calculation which has failed. It should contain an error code or message. Should not be used directly. """ _inner_value: _ErrorType def __init__(self, inner_value: _ErrorType) -> None: """Required for typing.""" BaseContainer.__init__(self, inner_value) # type: ignore # noqa: Z462 def map(self, function): # noqa: A003 """Returns the '_Failure' instance that was used to call the method.""" return self def map_failure(self, function): """ Applies function to the error value. Applies 'function' to the contents of the '_Failure' instance and returns a new '_Failure' object containing the result. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return a non-container result. """ return _Failure(function(self._inner_value)) def bind(self, function): """Returns the '_Failure' instance that was used to call the method.""" return self def fix(self, function): """ Applies function to the inner value. Applies 'function' to the contents of the '_Success' instance and returns a new '_Success' object containing the result. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return a non-container result. """ return _Success(function(self._inner_value)) def rescue(self, function): """ Applies 'function' to the result of a previous calculation. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return Result a '_Failure' or '_Success' type object. """ return function(self._inner_value) def value_or(self, default_value): """Returns the value if we deal with '_Success' or default otherwise.""" return default_value def unwrap(self): """Raises an exception, since it does not have a value inside.""" if isinstance(self._inner_value, Exception): raise UnwrapFailedError(self) from self._inner_value raise UnwrapFailedError(self) def failure(self): """Unwraps inner error value from failed container.""" return self._inner_value @final # noqa: Z214 class _Success(Result[_ValueType, Any]): """ Represents a calculation which has succeeded and contains the result. Contains the computation value. Should not be used directly. """ _inner_value: _ValueType def __init__(self, inner_value: _ValueType) -> None: """Required for typing.""" BaseContainer.__init__(self, inner_value) # type: ignore # noqa: Z462 def map(self, function): # noqa: A003 """ Applies function to the inner value. Applies 'function' to the contents of the '_Success' instance and returns a new '_Success' object containing the result. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return a non-container result. """ return _Success(function(self._inner_value)) def map_failure(self, function): """Returns the '_Success' instance that was used to call the method.""" return self def bind(self, function): """ Applies 'function' to the result of a previous calculation. 'function' should accept a single "normal" (non-container) argument and return Result a '_Failure' or '_Success' type object. """ return function(self._inner_value) def fix(self, function): """Returns the '_Success' instance that was used to call the method.""" return self def rescue(self, function): """Returns the '_Success' instance that was used to call the method.""" return self def value_or(self, default_value): """Returns the value if we deal with '_Success' or default otherwise.""" return self._inner_value def unwrap(self): """Returns the unwrapped value from the inside of this container.""" return self._inner_value def failure(self): """Raises an exception, since it does not have an error inside.""" raise UnwrapFailedError(self)
[docs]def Success(inner_value: _ValueType) -> Result[_ValueType, Any]: # noqa: N802 """Public unit function of protected `_Success` type.""" return _Success(inner_value)
[docs]def Failure(inner_value: _ErrorType) -> Result[Any, _ErrorType]: # noqa: N802 """Public unit function of protected `_Failure` type.""" return _Failure(inner_value)
@overload # noqa: Z320 def safe( # type: ignore function: Callable[..., Coroutine[_ValueType, _ErrorType, _NewValueType]], ) -> Callable[ ..., Coroutine[_ValueType, _ErrorType, Result[_NewValueType, Exception]], ]: """Case for async functions.""" @overload def safe( function: Callable[..., _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[..., Result[_NewValueType, Exception]]: """Case for regular functions."""
[docs]def safe(function): # noqa: C901 """ Decorator to covert exception throwing function to 'Result' container. Should be used with care, since it only catches 'Exception' subclasses. It does not catch 'BaseException' subclasses. Supports both async and regular functions. """ if iscoroutinefunction(function): async def decorator(*args, **kwargs): try: return Success(await function(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exc: return Failure(exc) else: def decorator(*args, **kwargs): try: return Success(function(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exc: return Failure(exc) return wraps(function)(decorator)