Source code for returns.pointfree.unify

from typing import Callable, TypeVar, Union

from returns.interfaces.failable import DiverseFailableN
from import Kinded, KindN, kinded

_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')
_NewFirstType = TypeVar('_NewFirstType')
_SecondType = TypeVar('_SecondType')
_NewSecondType = TypeVar('_NewSecondType')
_ThirdType = TypeVar('_ThirdType')
_NewThirdType = TypeVar('_NewThirdType')

_DiverseFailableKind = TypeVar('_DiverseFailableKind', bound=DiverseFailableN)

[docs]def unify( # noqa: WPS234 function: Callable[ [_FirstType], KindN[ _DiverseFailableKind, _NewFirstType, _NewSecondType, _NewThirdType, ], ], ) -> Kinded[ Callable[ [KindN[_DiverseFailableKind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]], KindN[ _DiverseFailableKind, _NewFirstType, Union[_SecondType, _NewSecondType], _NewThirdType, ], ] ]: """ Composes successful container with a function that returns a container. Similar to :func:`~returns.pointfree.bind` but has different type. It returns ``Result[ValueType, Union[OldErrorType, NewErrorType]]`` instead of ``Result[ValueType, OldErrorType]``. So, it can be more useful in some situations. Probably with specific exceptions. .. code:: python >>> from returns.methods import cond >>> from returns.pointfree import unify >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, Failure >>> def bindable(arg: int) -> Result[int, int]: ... return cond(Result, arg % 2 == 0, arg + 1, arg - 1) >>> assert unify(bindable)(Success(2)) == Success(3) >>> assert unify(bindable)(Success(1)) == Failure(0) >>> assert unify(bindable)(Failure(42)) == Failure(42) """ @kinded def factory( container: KindN[ _DiverseFailableKind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType, ], ) -> KindN[ _DiverseFailableKind, _NewFirstType, Union[_SecondType, _NewSecondType], _NewThirdType, ]: return container.bind(function) # type: ignore return factory