Source code for returns.context.requires_context

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, TypeVar, final

from returns.functions import identity
from returns.future import FutureResult
from returns.interfaces.specific import reader
from import IOResult
from returns.primitives.container import BaseContainer
from import Kind2, SupportsKind2, dekind
from returns.result import Result

    # We need this condition to make sure Python can solve cycle imports.
    # But, since we only use these values in types, it is not important.
    from returns.context.requires_context_future_result import (
    from returns.context.requires_context_ioresult import (
    from returns.context.requires_context_result import RequiresContextResult

# Context:
_EnvType = TypeVar('_EnvType', contravariant=True)
_NewEnvType = TypeVar('_NewEnvType')
_ReturnType = TypeVar('_ReturnType', covariant=True)
_NewReturnType = TypeVar('_NewReturnType')

_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType')
_ErrorType = TypeVar('_ErrorType')

# Helpers:
_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')

# Type Aliases:
#: Sometimes ``RequiresContext`` and other similar types might be used with
#: no explicit dependencies so we need to have this type alias for Any.
NoDeps = Any

[docs]@final class RequiresContext( # type: ignore[type-var] BaseContainer, SupportsKind2['RequiresContext', _ReturnType, _EnvType], reader.ReaderBased2[_ReturnType, _EnvType], ): """ The ``RequiresContext`` container. It's main purpose is to wrap some specific function and to provide tools to compose other functions around it without actually calling it. The ``RequiresContext`` container passes the state you want to share between functions. Functions may read that state, but can't change it. The ``RequiresContext`` container lets us access shared immutable state within a specific context. It can be used for lazy evaluation and typed dependency injection. ``RequiresContext`` is used with functions that never fail. If you want to use ``RequiresContext`` with returns ``Result`` then consider using ``RequiresContextResult`` instead. Note: This container does not wrap ANY value. It wraps only functions. You won't be able to supply arbitrary types! See also: - - - """ __slots__ = () #: This field has an extra 'RequiresContext' just because `mypy` needs it. _inner_value: Callable[[_EnvType], _ReturnType] #: A convenient placeholder to call methods created by `.from_value()`: no_args: ClassVar[NoDeps] = object() def __init__( self, inner_value: Callable[[_EnvType], _ReturnType], ) -> None: """ Public constructor for this type. Also required for typing. Only allows functions of kind ``* -> *``. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> str(RequiresContext(lambda deps: deps + 1)) '<RequiresContext: <function <lambda> at ...>>' """ super().__init__(inner_value) def __call__(self, deps: _EnvType) -> _ReturnType: """ Evaluates the wrapped function. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContext[int, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: deps if lg else -deps, ... ) >>> instance = first(False) # creating `RequiresContext` instance >>> assert instance(3.5) == -3.5 # calling it with `__call__` >>> # Example with another logic: >>> assert first(True)(3.5) == 3.5 In other things, it is a regular python magic method. """ return self._inner_value(deps)
[docs] def map( self, function: Callable[[_ReturnType], _NewReturnType], ) -> RequiresContext[_NewReturnType, _EnvType]: """ Allows to compose functions inside the wrapped container. Here's how it works: .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContext[int, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: deps if lg else -deps, ... ) >>> assert first(True).map(lambda number: number * 10)(2.5) == 25.0 >>> assert first(False).map(lambda number: number * 10)(0.1) -1.0 """ return RequiresContext(lambda deps: function(self(deps)))
[docs] def apply( self, container: Kind2[ RequiresContext, Callable[[_ReturnType], _NewReturnType], _EnvType, ], ) -> RequiresContext[_NewReturnType, _EnvType]: """ Calls a wrapped function in a container on this container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> assert RequiresContext.from_value('a').apply( ... RequiresContext.from_value(lambda inner: inner + 'b') ... )(...) == 'ab' """ return RequiresContext( lambda deps:, )
[docs] def bind( self, function: Callable[ [_ReturnType], Kind2[RequiresContext, _NewReturnType, _EnvType], ], ) -> RequiresContext[_NewReturnType, _EnvType]: """ Composes a container with a function returning another container. This is useful when you do several computations that rely on the same context. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContext[int, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: deps if lg else -deps, ... ) >>> def second(number: int) -> RequiresContext[str, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: '>=' if number >= deps else '<', ... ) >>> assert first(True).bind(second)(1) == '>=' >>> assert first(False).bind(second)(2) == '<' """ return RequiresContext(lambda deps: dekind(function(self(deps)))(deps))
#: Alias for `bind_context` method, it is the same as `bind` here. bind_context = bind
[docs] def modify_env( self, function: Callable[[_NewEnvType], _EnvType], ) -> RequiresContext[_ReturnType, _NewEnvType]: """ Allows to modify the environment type. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> def mul(arg: int) -> RequiresContext[float, int]: ... return RequiresContext(lambda deps: arg * deps) >>> assert mul(3).modify_env(int)('2') == 6 """ return RequiresContext(lambda deps: self(function(deps)))
[docs] @classmethod def ask(cls) -> RequiresContext[_EnvType, _EnvType]: """ Get current context to use the dependencies. It is a common scenario when you need to use the environment. For example, you want to do some context-related computation, but you don't have the context instance at your disposal. That's where ``.ask()`` becomes useful! .. code:: python >>> from typing_extensions import TypedDict >>> class Deps(TypedDict): ... message: str >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContext[int, Deps]: ... # `deps` has `Deps` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: deps['message'] if lg else 'error', ... ) >>> def second(text: str) -> RequiresContext[int, Deps]: ... return first(len(text) > 3) >>> assert second('abc')({'message': 'ok'}) == 'error' >>> assert second('abcd')({'message': 'ok'}) == 'ok' And now imagine that you have to change this ``3`` limit. And you want to be able to set it via environment as well. Ok, let's fix it with the power of ``RequiresContext.ask()``! .. code:: python >>> from typing_extensions import TypedDict >>> class Deps(TypedDict): ... message: str ... limit: int # note this new field! >>> def new_first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContext[int, Deps]: ... # `deps` has `Deps` type here: ... return RequiresContext( ... lambda deps: deps['message'] if lg else 'err', ... ) >>> def new_second(text: str) -> RequiresContext[int, Deps]: ... return RequiresContext[int, Deps].ask().bind( ... lambda deps: new_first(len(text) > deps.get('limit', 3)), ... ) >>> assert new_second('abc')({'message': 'ok', 'limit': 2}) == 'ok' >>> assert new_second('abcd')({'message': 'ok'}) == 'ok' >>> assert new_second('abcd')({'message': 'ok', 'limit': 5}) == 'err' That's how ``ask`` works. This class contains methods that require to explicitly set type annotations. Why? Because it is impossible to figure out the type without them. So, here's how you should use them: .. code:: python RequiresContext[int, Dict[str, str]].ask() Otherwise, your ``.ask()`` method will return ``RequiresContext[<nothing>, <nothing>]``, which is unusable: .. code:: python env = RequiresContext.ask() env(some_deps) And ``mypy`` will warn you: ``error: Need type annotation for '...'`` See also: - """ # noqa: F811 return RequiresContext(identity)
[docs] @classmethod def from_value( cls, inner_value: _FirstType, ) -> RequiresContext[_FirstType, NoDeps]: """ Used to return some specific value from the container. Consider this method as some kind of factory. Passed value will be a return type. Make sure to use :attr:`~RequiresContext.no_args` for getting the unit value. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> unit = RequiresContext.from_value(5) >>> assert unit(RequiresContext.no_args) == 5 Might be used with or without direct type hint. """ return RequiresContext(lambda _: inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_context( cls, inner_value: RequiresContext[_NewReturnType, _NewEnvType], ) -> RequiresContext[_NewReturnType, _NewEnvType]: """ Used to create new containers from existing ones. Used as a part of ``ReaderBased2`` interface. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> unit = RequiresContext.from_value(5) >>> assert RequiresContext.from_context(unit)(...) == unit(...) """ return inner_value
[docs] @classmethod def from_requires_context_result( cls, inner_value: RequiresContextResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType], ) -> RequiresContext[Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType], _EnvType]: """ Typecasts ``RequiresContextResult`` to ``RequiresContext`` instance. Breaks ``RequiresContextResult[a, b, e]`` into ``RequiresContext[Result[a, b], e]``. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success >>> assert RequiresContext.from_requires_context_result( ... RequiresContextResult.from_value(1), ... )(...) == Success(1) Can be reverted with ``RequiresContextResult.from_typecast``. """ return RequiresContext(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_requires_context_ioresult( cls, inner_value: RequiresContextIOResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType], ) -> RequiresContext[IOResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType], _EnvType]: """ Typecasts ``RequiresContextIOResult`` to ``RequiresContext`` instance. Breaks ``RequiresContextIOResult[a, b, e]`` into ``RequiresContext[IOResult[a, b], e]``. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextIOResult >>> from import IOSuccess >>> assert RequiresContext.from_requires_context_ioresult( ... RequiresContextIOResult.from_value(1), ... )(...) == IOSuccess(1) Can be reverted with ``RequiresContextIOResult.from_typecast``. """ return RequiresContext(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_requires_context_future_result( cls, inner_value: RequiresContextFutureResult[ _ValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType, ], ) -> RequiresContext[FutureResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType], _EnvType]: """ Typecasts ``RequiresContextIOResult`` to ``RequiresContext`` instance. Breaks ``RequiresContextIOResult[a, b, e]`` into ``RequiresContext[IOResult[a, b], e]``. .. code:: python >>> import anyio >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextFutureResult >>> from import IOSuccess >>> container = RequiresContext.from_requires_context_future_result( ... RequiresContextFutureResult.from_value(1), ... ) >>> assert ... container, RequiresContext.no_args, ... ) == IOSuccess(1) Can be reverted with ``RequiresContextFutureResult.from_typecast``. """ return RequiresContext(inner_value)
# Aliases #: Sometimes `RequiresContext` is too long to type. Reader = RequiresContext