Source code for returns.context.requires_context_result

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, TypeVar, final

from returns.context import NoDeps
from returns.interfaces.specific import reader_result
from returns.primitives.container import BaseContainer
from import Kind3, SupportsKind3, dekind
from returns.result import Failure, Result, Success

    from returns.context.requires_context import RequiresContext

# Context:
_EnvType = TypeVar('_EnvType', contravariant=True)
_NewEnvType = TypeVar('_NewEnvType')

# Result:
_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType', covariant=True)
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')
_ErrorType = TypeVar('_ErrorType', covariant=True)
_NewErrorType = TypeVar('_NewErrorType')

# Helpers:
_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')

[docs]@final class RequiresContextResult( # type: ignore[type-var] BaseContainer, SupportsKind3['RequiresContextResult', _ValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType], reader_result.ReaderResultBasedN[_ValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType], ): """ The ``RequiresContextResult`` combinator. See :class:`returns.context.requires_context.RequiresContext` for more docs. This is just a handy wrapper around ``RequiresContext[Result[a, b], env]`` which represents a context-dependent pure operation that might fail and return :class:`returns.result.Result`. It has several important differences from the regular ``Result`` classes. It does not have ``Success`` and ``Failure`` subclasses. Because, the computation is not yet performed. And we cannot know the type in advance. So, this is a thin wrapper, without any changes in logic. Why do we need this wrapper? That's just for better usability! .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.result import Success, Result >>> def function(arg: int) -> Result[int, str]: ... return Success(arg + 1) >>> # Without wrapper: >>> assert RequiresContext.from_value(Success(1)).map( ... lambda result: result.bind(function), ... )(...) == Success(2) >>> # With wrapper: >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(1).bind_result( ... function, ... )(...) == Success(2) This way ``RequiresContextResult`` allows to simply work with: - raw values and pure functions - ``RequiresContext`` values and pure functions returning it - ``Result`` and functions returning it .. rubric:: Important implementation details Due it is meaning, ``RequiresContextResult`` cannot have ``Success`` and ``Failure`` subclasses. We only have just one type. That's by design. Different converters are also not supported for this type. Use converters inside the ``RequiresContext`` context, not outside. See also: - - - - """ __slots__ = () #: This field has an extra 'RequiresContext' just because `mypy` needs it. _inner_value: Callable[[_EnvType], Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]] #: A convenient placeholder to call methods created by `.from_value()`. no_args: ClassVar[NoDeps] = object() def __init__( self, inner_value: Callable[[_EnvType], Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]], ) -> None: """ Public constructor for this type. Also required for typing. Only allows functions of kind ``* -> *`` and returning :class:`returns.result.Result` instances. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success >>> str(RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: Success(deps + 1))) '<RequiresContextResult: <function <lambda> at ...>>' """ super().__init__(inner_value) def __call__(self, deps: _EnvType) -> Result[_ValueType, _ErrorType]: """ Evaluates the wrapped function. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContextResult[int, str, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContextResult( ... lambda deps: Success(deps if lg else -deps), ... ) >>> instance = first(False) >>> assert instance(3.5) == Success(-3.5) In other things, it is a regular Python magic method. """ return self._inner_value(deps)
[docs] def swap(self) -> RequiresContextResult[_ErrorType, _ValueType, _EnvType]: """ Swaps value and error types. So, values become errors and errors become values. It is useful when you have to work with errors a lot. And since we have a lot of ``.bind_`` related methods and only a single ``.lash`` - it is easier to work with values. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> success = RequiresContextResult.from_value(1) >>> failure = RequiresContextResult.from_failure(1) >>> assert success.swap()(...) == Failure(1) >>> assert failure.swap()(...) == Success(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: self(deps).swap())
[docs] def map( self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Composes successful container with a pure function. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(1).map( ... lambda x: x + 1, ... )(...) == Success(2) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure(1).map( ... lambda x: x + 1, ... )(...) == Failure(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: self(deps).map(function))
[docs] def apply( self, container: Kind3[ RequiresContextResult, Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], _ErrorType, _EnvType, ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Calls a wrapped function in a container on this container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure, Result >>> def transform(arg: str) -> str: ... return arg + 'b' >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value('a').apply( ... RequiresContextResult.from_value(transform), ... )(...) == Success('ab') >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure('a').apply( ... RequiresContextResult.from_value(transform), ... )(...) == Failure('a') >>> assert isinstance(RequiresContextResult.from_value('a').apply( ... RequiresContextResult.from_failure(transform), ... )(...), Result.failure_type) is True """ return RequiresContextResult( lambda deps: self(deps).apply(dekind(container)(deps)), )
[docs] def bind( self, function: Callable[ [_ValueType], Kind3[ RequiresContextResult, _NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType, ], ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Composes this container with a function returning the same type. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> def first(lg: bool) -> RequiresContextResult[int, int, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContextResult( ... lambda deps: Success(deps) if lg else Failure(-deps), ... ) >>> def second( ... number: int, ... ) -> RequiresContextResult[str, int, float]: ... # `deps` has `float` type here: ... return RequiresContextResult( ... lambda deps: Success('>=' if number >= deps else '<'), ... ) >>> assert first(True).bind(second)(1) == Success('>=') >>> assert first(False).bind(second)(2) == Failure(-2) """ return RequiresContextResult( lambda deps: self(deps).bind( lambda inner: function(inner)(deps), # type: ignore ), )
#: Alias for `bind_context_result` method, it is the same as `bind` here. bind_context_result = bind
[docs] def bind_result( self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Binds ``Result`` returning function to current container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure, Result >>> def function(num: int) -> Result[str, int]: ... return Success(num + 1) if num > 0 else Failure('<0') >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(1).bind_result( ... function, ... )(RequiresContextResult.no_args) == Success(2) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(0).bind_result( ... function, ... )(RequiresContextResult.no_args) == Failure('<0') >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure(':(').bind_result( ... function, ... )(RequiresContextResult.no_args) == Failure(':(') """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: self(deps).bind(function))
[docs] def bind_context( self, function: Callable[ [_ValueType], RequiresContext[_NewValueType, _EnvType], ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Binds ``RequiresContext`` returning function to current container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> def function(arg: int) -> RequiresContext[int, str]: ... return RequiresContext(lambda deps: len(deps) + arg) >>> assert function(2)('abc') == 5 >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(2).bind_context( ... function, ... )('abc') == Success(5) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure(2).bind_context( ... function, ... )('abc') == Failure(2) """ return RequiresContextResult( lambda deps: self(deps).map( lambda inner: function(inner)(deps), # type: ignore[misc] ), )
[docs] def alt( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewErrorType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_ValueType, _NewErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Composes failed container with a pure function. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(1).alt( ... lambda x: x + 1, ... )(...) == Success(1) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure(1).alt( ... lambda x: x + 1, ... )(...) == Failure(2) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: self(deps).alt(function))
[docs] def lash( self, function: Callable[ [_ErrorType], Kind3[ RequiresContextResult, _ValueType, _NewErrorType, _EnvType, ], ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_ValueType, _NewErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Composes this container with a function returning the same type. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> def lashable(arg: str) -> RequiresContextResult[str, str, str]: ... if len(arg) > 1: ... return RequiresContextResult( ... lambda deps: Success(deps + arg), ... ) ... return RequiresContextResult( ... lambda deps: Failure(arg + deps), ... ) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value('a').lash( ... lashable, ... )('c') == Success('a') >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure('a').lash( ... lashable, ... )('c') == Failure('ac') >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure('aa').lash( ... lashable, ... )('b') == Success('baa') """ return RequiresContextResult( lambda deps: self(deps).lash( lambda inner: function(inner)(deps), # type: ignore ), )
[docs] def modify_env( self, function: Callable[[_NewEnvType], _EnvType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_ValueType, _ErrorType, _NewEnvType]: """ Allows to modify the environment type. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResultE >>> from returns.result import Success, safe >>> def div(arg: int) -> RequiresContextResultE[float, int]: ... return RequiresContextResultE( ... safe(lambda deps: arg / deps), ... ) >>> assert div(3).modify_env(int)('2') == Success(1.5) >>> assert div(3).modify_env(int)('0').failure() """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: self(function(deps)))
[docs] @classmethod def ask(cls) -> RequiresContextResult[_EnvType, _ErrorType, _EnvType]: """ Is used to get the current dependencies inside the call stack. Similar to :meth:`returns.context.requires_context.RequiresContext.ask`, but returns ``Result`` instead of a regular value. Please, refer to the docs there to learn how to use it. One important note that is worth duplicating here: you might need to provide ``_EnvType`` explicitly, so ``mypy`` will know about it statically. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResultE >>> from returns.result import Success >>> assert RequiresContextResultE[int, int].ask().map( ... str, ... )(1) == Success('1') """ return RequiresContextResult(Success)
[docs] @classmethod def from_result( cls, inner_value: Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType, NoDeps]: """ Creates new container with ``Result`` as a unit value. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> deps = RequiresContextResult.no_args >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_result( ... Success(1), ... )(deps) == Success(1) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_result( ... Failure(1), ... )(deps) == Failure(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda _: inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_typecast( cls, inner_value: RequiresContext[ Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType], _EnvType, ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType, _EnvType]: """ You might end up with ``RequiresContext[Result[...]]`` as a value. This method is designed to turn it into ``RequiresContextResult``. It will save all the typing information. It is just more useful! .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_typecast( ... RequiresContext.from_value(Success(1)), ... )(RequiresContextResult.no_args) == Success(1) >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_typecast( ... RequiresContext.from_value(Failure(1)), ... )(RequiresContextResult.no_args) == Failure(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_context( cls, inner_value: RequiresContext[_NewValueType, _NewEnvType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, Any, _NewEnvType]: """ Creates new container from ``RequiresContext`` as a success unit. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.result import Success >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_context( ... RequiresContext.from_value(1), ... )(...) == Success(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: Success(inner_value(deps)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_failed_context( cls, inner_value: RequiresContext[_NewValueType, _NewEnvType], ) -> RequiresContextResult[Any, _NewValueType, _NewEnvType]: """ Creates new container from ``RequiresContext`` as a failure unit. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContext >>> from returns.result import Failure >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failed_context( ... RequiresContext.from_value(1), ... )(...) == Failure(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda deps: Failure(inner_value(deps)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_result_context( cls, inner_value: RequiresContextResult[ _NewValueType, _NewErrorType, _NewEnvType, ], ) -> RequiresContextResult[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType, _NewEnvType]: """ Creates ``RequiresContextResult`` from another instance of it. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import ReaderResult >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert ReaderResult.from_result_context( ... ReaderResult.from_value(1), ... )(...) == Success(1) >>> assert ReaderResult.from_result_context( ... ReaderResult.from_failure(1), ... )(...) == Failure(1) """ return inner_value
[docs] @classmethod def from_value( cls, inner_value: _FirstType, ) -> RequiresContextResult[_FirstType, Any, NoDeps]: """ Creates new container with ``Success(inner_value)`` as a unit value. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Success >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_value(1)(...) == Success(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda _: Success(inner_value))
[docs] @classmethod def from_failure( cls, inner_value: _FirstType, ) -> RequiresContextResult[Any, _FirstType, NoDeps]: """ Creates new container with ``Failure(inner_value)`` as a unit value. .. code:: python >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResult >>> from returns.result import Failure >>> assert RequiresContextResult.from_failure(1)(...) == Failure(1) """ return RequiresContextResult(lambda _: Failure(inner_value))
# Aliases: #: Alias for a popular case when ``Result`` has ``Exception`` as error type. RequiresContextResultE = RequiresContextResult[ _ValueType, Exception, _EnvType, ] #: Alias to save you some typing. Uses original name from Haskell. ReaderResult = RequiresContextResult #: Alias to save you some typing. Has ``Exception`` as error type. ReaderResultE = RequiresContextResult[_ValueType, Exception, _EnvType]