Source code for returns.result

from abc import ABCMeta
from functools import wraps
from inspect import FrameInfo
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

from returns.interfaces.specific import result
from returns.primitives.container import BaseContainer, container_equality
from returns.primitives.exceptions import UnwrapFailedError
from import Kind2, SupportsKind2

# Definitions:
_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType', covariant=True)
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')
_ErrorType = TypeVar('_ErrorType', covariant=True)
_NewErrorType = TypeVar('_NewErrorType')

_FirstType = TypeVar('_FirstType')
_FuncParams = ParamSpec('_FuncParams')

[docs]class Result( # type: ignore[type-var] BaseContainer, SupportsKind2['Result', _ValueType, _ErrorType], result.ResultBased2[_ValueType, _ErrorType], metaclass=ABCMeta, ): """ Base class for :class:`~Failure` and :class:`~Success`. :class:`~Result` does not have a public constructor. Use :func:`~Success` and :func:`~Failure` to construct the needed values. See also: - - """ __slots__ = ('_trace',) __match_args__ = ('_inner_value',) _inner_value: Union[_ValueType, _ErrorType] _trace: Optional[List[FrameInfo]] # These two are required for projects like `classes`: #: Success type that is used to represent the successful computation. success_type: ClassVar[Type['Success']] #: Failure type that is used to represent the failed computation. failure_type: ClassVar[Type['Failure']] #: Typesafe equality comparison with other `Result` objects. equals = container_equality @property def trace(self) -> Optional[List[FrameInfo]]: """Returns a list with stack trace when :func:`~Failure` was called.""" return self._trace
[docs] def swap(self) -> 'Result[_ErrorType, _ValueType]': """ Swaps value and error types. So, values become errors and errors become values. It is useful when you have to work with errors a lot. And since we have a lot of ``.bind_`` related methods and only a single ``.lash`` - it is easier to work with values. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Success, Failure >>> assert Success(1).swap() == Failure(1) >>> assert Failure(1).swap() == Success(1) """
[docs] def map( self, function: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes successful container with a pure function. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> def mappable(string: str) -> str: ... return string + 'b' >>> assert Success('a').map(mappable) == Success('ab') >>> assert Failure('a').map(mappable) == Failure('a') """
[docs] def apply( self, container: Kind2[ 'Result', Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType], _ErrorType, ], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Calls a wrapped function in a container on this container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> def appliable(string: str) -> str: ... return string + 'b' >>> assert Success('a').apply(Success(appliable)) == Success('ab') >>> assert Failure('a').apply(Success(appliable)) == Failure('a') >>> assert Success('a').apply(Failure(1)) == Failure(1) >>> assert Failure(1).apply(Failure(2)) == Failure(1) """
[docs] def bind( self, function: Callable[ [_ValueType], Kind2['Result', _NewValueType, _ErrorType], ], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _ErrorType]': """ Composes successful container with a function that returns a container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, Failure >>> def bindable(arg: str) -> Result[str, str]: ... if len(arg) > 1: ... return Success(arg + 'b') ... return Failure(arg + 'c') >>> assert Success('aa').bind(bindable) == Success('aab') >>> assert Success('a').bind(bindable) == Failure('ac') >>> assert Failure('a').bind(bindable) == Failure('a') """
#: Alias for `bind_result` method, it is the same as `bind` here. bind_result = bind
[docs] def alt( self, function: Callable[[_ErrorType], _NewErrorType], ) -> 'Result[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Composes failed container with a pure function to modify failure. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> def altable(arg: str) -> str: ... return arg + 'b' >>> assert Success('a').alt(altable) == Success('a') >>> assert Failure('a').alt(altable) == Failure('ab') """
[docs] def lash( self, function: Callable[ [_ErrorType], Kind2['Result', _ValueType, _NewErrorType], ], ) -> 'Result[_ValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Composes failed container with a function that returns a container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, Failure >>> def lashable(arg: str) -> Result[str, str]: ... if len(arg) > 1: ... return Success(arg + 'b') ... return Failure(arg + 'c') >>> assert Success('a').lash(lashable) == Success('a') >>> assert Failure('a').lash(lashable) == Failure('ac') >>> assert Failure('aa').lash(lashable) == Success('aab') """
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_ValueType]: """API for :ref:`do-notation`.""" yield self.unwrap()
[docs] @classmethod def do( cls, expr: Generator[_NewValueType, None, None], ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Allows working with unwrapped values of containers in a safe way. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Failure, Success >>> assert ... first + second ... for first in Success(2) ... for second in Success(3) ... ) == Success(5) >>> assert ... first + second ... for first in Failure('a') ... for second in Success(3) ... ) == Failure('a') See :ref:`do-notation` to learn more. This feature requires our :ref:`mypy plugin <mypy-plugins>`. """ try: return Result.from_value(next(expr)) except UnwrapFailedError as exc: return exc.halted_container # type: ignore
[docs] def value_or( self, default_value: _NewValueType, ) -> Union[_ValueType, _NewValueType]: """ Get value or default value. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> assert Success(1).value_or(2) == 1 >>> assert Failure(1).value_or(2) == 2 """
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> _ValueType: """ Get value or raise exception. .. code:: pycon :force: >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> assert Success(1).unwrap() == 1 >>> Failure(1).unwrap() Traceback (most recent call last): ... returns.primitives.exceptions.UnwrapFailedError """ # noqa: RST307
[docs] def failure(self) -> _ErrorType: """ Get failed value or raise exception. .. code:: pycon :force: >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success >>> assert Failure(1).failure() == 1 >>> Success(1).failure() Traceback (most recent call last): ... returns.primitives.exceptions.UnwrapFailedError """ # noqa: RST307
[docs] @classmethod def from_value( cls, inner_value: _NewValueType, ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, Any]': """ One more value to create success unit values. It is useful as a united way to create a new value from any container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Success >>> assert Result.from_value(1) == Success(1) You can use this method or :func:`~Success`, choose the most convenient for you. """ return Success(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_failure( cls, inner_value: _NewErrorType, ) -> 'Result[Any, _NewErrorType]': """ One more value to create failure unit values. It is useful as a united way to create a new value from any container. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Failure >>> assert Result.from_failure(1) == Failure(1) You can use this method or :func:`~Failure`, choose the most convenient for you. """ return Failure(inner_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_result( cls, inner_value: 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]', ) -> 'Result[_NewValueType, _NewErrorType]': """ Creates a new ``Result`` instance from existing ``Result`` instance. .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Failure, Success >>> assert Result.from_result(Success(1)) == Success(1) >>> assert Result.from_result(Failure(1)) == Failure(1) This is a part of :class:`returns.interfaces.specific.result.ResultBasedN` interface. """ return inner_value
[docs]@final # noqa: WPS338 class Failure(Result[Any, _ErrorType]): # noqa: WPS338 """ Represents a calculation which has failed. It should contain an error code or message. """ __slots__ = () _inner_value: _ErrorType def __init__(self, inner_value: _ErrorType) -> None: """Failure constructor.""" super().__init__(inner_value) object.__setattr__(self, '_trace', self._get_trace()) # noqa: WPS609 if not TYPE_CHECKING: # noqa: C901, WPS604 # pragma: no branch
[docs] def alt(self, function): """Composes failed container with a pure function to modify failure.""" # noqa: E501 return Failure(function(self._inner_value))
[docs] def map(self, function): """Does nothing for ``Failure``.""" return self
[docs] def bind(self, function): """Does nothing for ``Failure``.""" return self
#: Alias for `bind` method. Part of the `ResultBasedN` interface. bind_result = bind
[docs] def lash(self, function): """Composes this container with a function returning container.""" return function(self._inner_value)
[docs] def apply(self, container): """Does nothing for ``Failure``.""" return self
[docs] def value_or(self, default_value): """Returns default value for failed container.""" return default_value
[docs] def swap(self): """Failures swap to :class:`Success`.""" return Success(self._inner_value)
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> NoReturn: """Raises an exception, since it does not have a value inside.""" if isinstance(self._inner_value, Exception): raise UnwrapFailedError(self) from self._inner_value raise UnwrapFailedError(self)
[docs] def failure(self) -> _ErrorType: """Returns failed value.""" return self._inner_value
def _get_trace(self) -> Optional[List[FrameInfo]]: """Method that will be monkey patched when trace is active."""
[docs]@final class Success(Result[_ValueType, Any]): """ Represents a calculation which has succeeded and contains the result. Contains the computation value. """ __slots__ = () _inner_value: _ValueType def __init__(self, inner_value: _ValueType) -> None: """Success constructor.""" super().__init__(inner_value) if not TYPE_CHECKING: # noqa: C901, WPS604 # pragma: no branch
[docs] def alt(self, function): """Does nothing for ``Success``.""" return self
[docs] def map(self, function): """Composes current container with a pure function.""" return Success(function(self._inner_value))
[docs] def bind(self, function): """Binds current container to a function that returns container.""" return function(self._inner_value)
#: Alias for `bind` method. Part of the `ResultBasedN` interface. bind_result = bind
[docs] def lash(self, function): """Does nothing for ``Success``.""" return self
[docs] def apply(self, container): """Calls a wrapped function in a container on this container.""" if isinstance(container, self.success_type): return return container
[docs] def value_or(self, default_value): """Returns the value for successful container.""" return self._inner_value
[docs] def swap(self): """Successes swap to :class:`Failure`.""" return Failure(self._inner_value)
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> _ValueType: """Returns the unwrapped value from successful container.""" return self._inner_value
[docs] def failure(self) -> NoReturn: """Raises an exception for successful container.""" raise UnwrapFailedError(self)
Result.success_type = Success Result.failure_type = Failure # Aliases: #: Alias for a popular case when ``Result`` has ``Exception`` as error type. ResultE = Result[_ValueType, Exception] # Decorators: @overload def safe( function: Callable[_FuncParams, _ValueType], ) -> Callable[_FuncParams, ResultE[_ValueType]]: """Decorator to convert exception-throwing for any kind of Exception.""" @overload def safe( exceptions: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...], ) -> Callable[ [Callable[_FuncParams, _ValueType]], Callable[_FuncParams, ResultE[_ValueType]], ]: """Decorator to convert exception-throwing just for a set of Exceptions."""
[docs]def safe( # type: ignore # noqa: WPS234, C901 function: Optional[Callable[_FuncParams, _ValueType]] = None, exceptions: Optional[Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = None, ) -> Union[ Callable[_FuncParams, ResultE[_ValueType]], Callable[ [Callable[_FuncParams, _ValueType]], Callable[_FuncParams, ResultE[_ValueType]], ], ]: """ Decorator to convert exception-throwing function to ``Result`` container. Should be used with care, since it only catches ``Exception`` subclasses. It does not catch ``BaseException`` subclasses. If you need to mark ``async`` function as ``safe``, use :func:`returns.future.future_safe` instead. This decorator only works with sync functions. Example: .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, safe >>> @safe ... def might_raise(arg: int) -> float: ... return 1 / arg >>> assert might_raise(1) == Success(1.0) >>> assert isinstance(might_raise(0), Result.failure_type) You can also use it with explicit exception types as the first argument: .. code:: python >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, safe >>> @safe(exceptions=(ZeroDivisionError,)) ... def might_raise(arg: int) -> float: ... return 1 / arg >>> assert might_raise(1) == Success(1.0) >>> assert isinstance(might_raise(0), Result.failure_type) In this case, only exceptions that are explicitly listed are going to be caught. Similar to :func:`` and :func:`returns.future.future_safe` decorators. """ def factory( inner_function: Callable[_FuncParams, _ValueType], inner_exceptions: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...], ) -> Callable[_FuncParams, ResultE[_ValueType]]: @wraps(inner_function) def decorator(*args: _FuncParams.args, **kwargs: _FuncParams.kwargs): try: return Success(inner_function(*args, **kwargs)) except inner_exceptions as exc: return Failure(exc) return decorator if callable(function): return factory(function, (Exception,)) if isinstance(function, tuple): exceptions = function # type: ignore function = None return lambda function: factory(function, exceptions) # type: ignore
[docs]def attempt( func: Callable[[_FirstType], _NewValueType], ) -> Callable[[_FirstType], Result[_NewValueType, _FirstType]]: """ Decorator to convert exception-throwing function to ``Result`` container. It's very similar with :func:``, the difference is when an exception is raised it won't wrap that given exception into a Failure, it'll wrap the argument that lead to the exception. .. code:: python >>> import json >>> from typing import Dict, Any >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success, attempt >>> @attempt ... def parse_json(string: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: ... return json.loads(string) >>> assert parse_json('{"key": "value"}') == Success({'key': 'value'}) >>> assert parse_json('incorrect input') == Failure('incorrect input') """ @wraps(func) def decorator(arg: _FirstType) -> Result[_NewValueType, _FirstType]: try: return Success(func(arg)) except Exception: return Failure(arg) return decorator